
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

2011- 2012 Curriculum

I am a curriculum research addict. There, I said it. The first stage to recovery is admitting you have a problem. Sometimes, this little "problem" really gets me into trouble. I will go bumping along smoothly, happy with my curriculum choices and then see something that makes me second guess my approach.

Fortunetly, I don't  change my kids curriculum all that much. This problem seems to only drive me insane and doesn't leak out on anyone else. I think I might have finally kicked the habit though.

I spent a long weekend charting out a rough draft of curriculums I can use until 8th grade. I don't know if my husband will let me homeschool that long, but I am a planner. I am following a sort of Well-Trained Mind/Charlotte Mason hybrid.

My main focus is getting through this year. I am spending a lot of time as a caregiver for my grandmother and lessons are not on the same days or times as usual. Routine is difficult right now, so we are doing our best.

Morning lessons run about one hour for each child. Our family lessons run between 1-4 hours.

If I can get the time, I will post about teaching each of the curriculums I use.

Optimus, 3rd grade (Morning lessons)

Writing With Ease, Level 3

First Language Lessons, Level 3

New American Cursive, Workbook 1

McGuffey’s Eclectic Reader, Third

Math-U-See, Gamma

Math-U-See, Delta

Usborne IL Encyclopedia of World Geography

Tink, 1st grade (Morning Lessons)

Writing With Ease, Level 1

First Language Lessons, Level 1

Practice and Learn, 1st grade

School Zone Phonics Workbook, Grades 1-3

Phonics Pathways

Dolch Site Words flashcards

McGuffey’s Eclectic Reader, Primer

McGuffey’s Eclectic Reader, First

Math-U-See, Alpha

Usborne IL Encyclopedia of World Geography

Both children


Burgess Book of Animals

Usborne First Encyclopedia of the Human Body

R.E.A.L Science Odyssey for Kids Life, Level 1

Atlas of the Universe (Insiders)

R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey for Kids Earth and Space, Level 1


Usborne IL Encyclopedia of World History

Story of the World, Volume 2 textbook and activity guide

The Story of US, Volume 1

3-D Maps of American History

History Pockets, Native Americans


various printed art cards




State Study Guide, pdf file

The United States of America: A State by State Guide

The Illustrated Encyclopedia of American Landmarks

Many Biomes, One Earth